It is rather difficult to decide to go for a cash advance from a bank. The amount of information required for registration scares customers. Without a guarantor, a certificate from the place of work on income, the borrower’s chances of getting money drop sharply, and with a negative credit history they are completely reduced to a minimum. Thanks to the services of online cash advances with AdvanceSOS from a direct lender , you can receive a small cash loan on a checking account anywhere and at any time with Internet access. The most important advantage of cash advance organizations is that paper hassle is minimized or absent altogether, and approval takes only a few minutes.
Basic Documents for Obtaining a Cash Advance
To apply for the small cash loans in a cash advance company, you will have to indicate the details of your ID and bank card (for online loans). If you provide additional documents, the credit limit may increase. To take an urgent loan for several thousand dollars, you may need the following documents:
- Government issued id
- Source of income
- Checking account
- Social security number or itin (in store only)
- Personal check required in some states
Minimum conditions are also imposed by the age of the borrower. The main thing is that the client must be of legal age, i.e., over 18 years of age. Many credit organizations are interested in whether pensioners will be able to get a cash loan because banks often refuse them. However, according to statistics, retirees are reliable borrowers and pay off debts on time. Therefore, MFIs are willing to lend to people in retirement.
How Does It Work?
You need to issue a cash advance. You enter the desired amount and loan term on the site and offers from different organizations are displayed on the page. Furthermore, you can compare their terms and go to the cash option you like on the lenders’ website.
It’s convenient, fast, and free. You borrow money with maximum benefit for yourself and choose the terms of lending yourself. In addition, you can apply to several companies to speed up the procedure for obtaining a microloan on the card.
What are the advantages of quick cash advance:
- the procedure for issuing a credit takes no longer than an hour;
- it is possible to apply for a cash both at the branch of a cash advance organization and online on the website;
- minimum package of documents;
- flexible requirements for the borrower;
- a large selection of organizations providing cash services.
With the help of a cash advance, it is possible to overcome temporary financial difficulties. You can get money quickly and easily, you just need to choose an MFI and fill out a form. What documents are needed to apply for a cash advance depends on the organization. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this is only your ID. You can count on a significant amount by providing additional information about your solvency.